Sunday, October 28, 2007

drama-week 2,friday,term 4

today was our dress rehursal. im wasnt really nervous, more because im sick and thats messing with my head and i cant think strait. also because we are performing it to my sisters drama class, which means when i go home she will give me feedback on it, maybe unwanted feedback.
nah but it was all good. the play went actually really well i think. i thought we were so unprepared that we would have to be prompted the whole way through, but we actually did pretty good, minus the last two scenes which we stuffed up a little. but oh well, luckily we still have till wednesday to polish it of as much as possible. im excited WOOT.

drama-week 2,term 4

For monday and tuesday we were going through our play. we have our dress rehursal friday so everybody is kind of freaking out. i know most of my lines, there is only one scene i am a little unsure of my ques. and it doesnt help that i am feeling sick, i just hope i get better by friday.

drama- week one, term 4

hello again,
another exciting term of drama ahead of us. this week we got straight into our play. we went through scenes of the play, learning them and our movements on stage. i found this useful, but its funny because sometimes when we did scenes i was the only person not in one, so i would have to just watch and help as much as possible, but this also helped because i got a better understanding of the play.
i also got my 'prayer to an iron god' Review draft back. there were alot of corrections on it. but i kind of expected it becuase it was a rushed job. it is due monday now, i plan to do it over the weekend, i wanna get a good mark cos i want an A in drama hehe and one of those blue's things they give to students who are involvened in drama lots. it seems if i set higher goals to achieve i have more enthusiasm to do the work, well it seems to be working for drama, not so much for my other subjects.
bye bye

Sunday, October 21, 2007


hmmm...soo the drama play...yersss...not much happened in the school holidays rehursals, we spent the first day doing character building activities, they were good, but not really useful. the second day was spent going through our plays, in our groyups. half the people wernt there so it was hard for me to work of other people that were just reading the lines out and not actually acting it. i thought the time could have of been spent doing more productive stuff on the first day. like going through our plays, because i think alot of us needed to and we have not had enough to do that. it also would ahve been good to spend some time learnign our lines maybe. the second day was spent alot more productive it think, i found alot more things out about my character when Ms Mace came and helped us with our play. like how to pronounce some of my lines and stuff. i think we might not do very good cos we dont have much time, and some people dont have the enthusiasm for it.