Monday, August 27, 2007

drama- week 6 monday

not alot happened today, mrs mace wasn't feeling well, and i wasn't really either :-(
so Lisa taught us! well that was very exciting for the 10 minutes it lasted. and also when she was trying to prove she could be a tree for our group production that is coming up! interesting.exciting.i think it will be very fun, im curious as to what it will be like to work with scripts. im hoping to learn something from it.

oh my goodness but the most awesome thing of all is that SAM'S BACK!!!!!!!
this is very swell, as i missed her lots and lots and need her support back cos she is awesome.
love you sam oxoxoxo.


Sunday, August 26, 2007

drama- week 5 friday

yo, i was not here friday

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Drama- Tuesday, week 4, Prayer to an Iron God


Well, today we went on an excursion to see the performance of ‘Prayer to an Iron God’, performed by the ‘club’ (as they refer to themselves as), Urban Myth. We went to a theatre in Adelaide where we sat for an hour and a half and watched the appealing performance.

The performance was about abuse. Possibly to make us more aware of it? I was a little side tracked about getting down notes in the performance so I didn’t get to focus on the performance as much as I would have of liked to.

I did like the performance, although it was a little too stereotypical. I know the typical ‘Bogan’ characters tried to be perceived as individuals more, but I found it was a little stereotypical, which didn’t make it as good as I thought it could have been.

There were four performers throughout the entire play. My favourite character was Skunk. Mainly because he had a really fun character to work with. He had a lot of cool characteristics, like, having an infected ear, a hilarious laugh, and just being able to play a typical Bogan Aussie with a humorous twist.

It was a little awkward at times though. With violence scenes, a sex scene, and a lot swearing. But these elements did give it a more realistic vibe. It was also a little distracting having another school there, as they seemed to mimic a bit through it which was annoying.

Overall I think the play was good, but maybe I was just expecting more. It had a lot of high points and a few low points and I think will be easier to write a review on, than the last play I reviewed. Well, let’s hope J

Goodbye, Beth

Monday, August 20, 2007

drama- monday 20th, week 4

today we had a change of scenery and spent to lesson outside. we talked about this homework sheet we were given, about this play called Prayer To An Iron God, that we are going to see tomorrow.
we didn't get through the whole sheet, but we did go through what we thought the title meant, and how most people said about religion, but when we looked into it deeper we found it could have of been idolized or looked up to, hence iron god!
but yers i guess we will have to wait until the performance tomorrow!

Friday, August 17, 2007

week 4-tuesday and friday

Tuesday and today were spent doing monologues. i did mine Monday so i just got to sit back and enjoy the shows. we have to fill out these green forms on them as we go, on how their performance went to us. i found this hard to fill out in some cases, because one of the questions was what have you learned about this performance, and well practically everybody wrote about Stanislavski, and this made it hard to discover something new about everybody's performance.
i very impressed with the monologues. i don't know if i am allowed to say this, but heck who cares. my favorite monologue was lana's. i think she was very focused, and presented her research excellently, and this was all with a sleepless night with a baby. well done lana.
im excited about starting the group production, but from the sounds of it, my class may not be organized to even do it. if i can do my drama hw i think everybody should be able too. its not that hard. i think my class just needs a little more motivation in the right direction.
i also chose today not do do drama as a subject next year. i have found it a little stressful this year, but still rewarding. i just couldn't fit it in my subject choices, i ummed and aahhred over it for ages. sorry Miss Mace, im going to miss not having you as a teacher heaps!!

Monday, August 13, 2007

week 4,monday-monologue reflection

WOW i was the only person to perform my monologue today! quite proud of myself i am.
i was very nervous, but not as much as i thought i would be. i had my big wakakirri performance friday night, so i used up all my nerves on that hehe. u should have seen me i was a mess... anyway...moving on.
i started my monologue of fine, but then my nerves got to me and i said one line at the wrong time and lost focus, i was so embarrassed. oh well, but i kept going and all ended well.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

drama- week 3- tuesday

today we played park bench and hot seat in our characters. when we tried to play park bench i don't think it worked so well. know body had gone into that much depth to perform on the spot like that.
although when we did hot seat, i think was really effective. when Megan was having her turn, i think she was really in depth with her character and to get all emotional like she did was really something. i enjoyed watching it, although it did get a little awkward, just like if somebody real was crying you don't know what to say or do, so i think that shows how in depth she was.
i hope i can get that in depth with mine.
although i do think i did a good job with my hot spot time. i thought i was going to be really bad at it, but i think i did ok because when you get up there you just become the character, and the answers just come to you.


drama- week 3- monday

Ahoi Hoi!

today was just a single lesson for us. we were told to memories our lines. i am finding breaking down the script has really helped me in this aspect as the parts i have broken down are the only section i can now memories. hopefully i can finish breaking down the script tonight so i can practice with my voice a bit more.
i also showed Ms Mace my script today and was pleasantly surprised that she said i was doing well, by like having everything organized and stuff. i spent all weekend doing it, so im glad she noticed.

bye bye

Sunday, August 5, 2007

drama- sunday 5th

i just thought i would add this thought to my blog.

today i had a big performance at starplex for this thing i am involved in called wakakirri.
wakakirri is where you tell a story through dance.
i have discovered i cannot dance and shall never again try to.
i was extremely nervous, to the point where i gave myself a stomach ach and almost threw up.

it reminded me of something ms mace said the other day, where you will get really nervous before you do a performance, but the feeling after you do it is worth it.
i have to say i felt pretty good after the performance today. and all the hard work and worrying was worth every bit, to have the feeling i did after it finished. i felt like i accomplished something today! w00t
i don't feel like i have anything i should worry about anymore, because i know know body i judging me, they are just there to watch and see me do things to the best of my ability.although i know i will still be nervous. hehe

drama- friday wk 2

today we sat as a group and went through how to break up a monologue. i thought this was really useful, because now i can get it done on the weekend.
i got a post card from sam yesterday, telling me how much of a good time she was having. it just made me miss her even more than i already do. i cant wait until she comes back. in these types of situations in drama, she is really good support and i really miss that.


drama- tuesday wk 2


Today we worked on our drama ISP’s.
I sat by myself because I want to be able to not get distracted in class and get as much work as possible done.
I think I am making progress, I just have to get over my nerves.
