Monday, September 24, 2007

drama- week 9- friday

after having some time to look over my role, i have become more confident that i can do this role. i think maybe putting attitude into Mellisa's character will probably be one of the hardest things for me. i like to believe i am not a person with alot of attitude, so putting on the attitude may be difficult, but we will just see how i go. i think it will be fun though. but now that i have been thinking more about the play, i realize in the other group production i was in last semester i wasn't nervous because i barely had any lines it was mostly improvised stuff so it felt more natural and relaxed, but now that i do have a fair few line, im scared my nerves will get to me once again and i will let the class down or embarrass myself. i really hope this doesn't happen, i think if i get confident with my lines then i will be ok, ill just have to practice lots and lots in the holidays, but i know it will still really worry me. ahh

1 comment:

jayan Mace said...

asawg4Well here is my helpful advice. Just don't let it. Wow I am so insightful.
We always try to find barriers and create hurdles all it does tbough is takes us longer and makes it harder to achieve that we know we can. You can do it and you are very right in saying you will need to practice lots to have confidence and that is just what you will do. Great discussion I love how you are stating problems and then looking at how to overcome.