Wednesday, June 6, 2007

drama- friday-week 4- Reflection

today was the double lesson after our performance. we all dat together and debreafed about our performances. i think our class did verry well, and im not just saying this because its my class and i dont want to sound cocky, but i think out of the two classes ours had maybe worked our it was a really fun performance. everybody seemed to have of enjoyed it. i was happy to hear that they thought mine and lisa's lighting job was done well, but wasnt done so well for the other class. this was probobly because kate wasnt there the whole day and i had to do our classes lighting for her,and i understood everything they wanted but since kate wasnt there to do it herself, doing it for the first time on the performance night may have of been a little confusing for her. but we all managed and i think it was a successful nigh.
as for what the other people in my class said about our performace....well they didnt say that much about our's, but that we had our message portreyed very good, and that our scene changes were also good because they were short and not very noisy because there wasnt alot to move really. it was well organised i think and thats what made us excell in that part i think.
overall it was fun, i want to do it again some time, and thanx to Ms Mace for not chucking the towel in on us when it looked hopeless that anything was going to be ready for the night.


loz said...

look beth!! a comment!!
feel special =)
your blog is so funky, love it darling, and love you too!
loz xoxox

jayan Mace said...

Hey Beth,
You have used your blog effectively throughout the semester. Well done. You have developed considerably and it is great to see you so much more confident.
Ms Mace